Dennis Lipton, MD
Personalized • Preventive • Private
A Welcome Note From Dr. Lipton
It has been an honor and privilege to serve and provide medical care for many Vail Valley residents over the past ten years. In my current membership practice, my goal is to provide high quality medical care with an emphasis on personalization, prevention, and privacy. Together, we will optimize your acute and chronic disease management and involve specialist care as needed. If you are concerned about risk of chronic disease due to current symptoms or family history, we will work together on early detection and prevention. If you share my passion for longevity and optimal health, we will partner in your pursuit of peak health and performance.
My smaller practice allows me to:
ï‚· Easily and quickly reach me by secure text/phone/email.
ï‚· Virtual visits/phone calls to address your medical needs and questions as they arise, from anywhere in the world.
ï‚· Home visits available on a case-by-case basis.
ï‚· Office location in Edwards
ï‚· You will be heard, understood, and cared for.
ï‚· An annual comprehensive exam to help you better understand your current state of health and your greatest health risks.
ï‚· Evaluation and discussion of your health goals and a personalized plan to help get you there.
ï‚· Discussion of earliest markers of disease process, such as unexplained symptoms or abnormal lab results that may be present for years or decades before symptom onset.
ï‚· Online computer-based cognitive testing every 12 months, to detect any change in cognitive status or signs of decline. Discussion of current diet and lifestyle factors that could be adversely impacting brain function.
ï‚· I will maintain your private medical record.
Your record is not shared with any health organization or insurance company unless required by law, or if you request it. Alias can be used to maintain your privacy, if desired, for some types of testing (i.e., for cognitive testing or genomic data).
ï‚· Virtual visits and consultations may occur in the privacy of your own home.
ï‚· Direct communication with only me helps better ensure your personal information is kept private.
What you need:
ï‚· A smart phone, tablet, or computer with app and high-speed internet service for telehealth visits.
ï‚· A mobile phone number and email address for us to stay in regular contact.
ï‚· You will be expected to have an idea of your home blood pressure, heart rate, and pulse oximetry at a minimum. I can recommend validated devices if needed.
How insurance works:​
ï‚·This practice does not rely on any insurance company so your insurance coverage has no impact on the care that I provide.
For practice members who are on Medicare, the annual fee covers services that are not covered by Medicare (The Comprehensive Annual Exam plus any follow up visits or communications relating to that visit). Any other Medicare-covered services will be billed to Medicare.
You need to maintain health insurance to cover non-member services such as emergency care, hospitalization, specialist care, diagnostic testing, etc.
ï‚· Some insurance plans require you have an “in-network” primary care physician of record. I am not currently in network for any insurance company.
ï‚· I am still able to order insurance-covered diagnostic testing (labs, imaging, etc) at Vail Health or a facility of your choice. Coverage does not change if you join this practice.
$5400 annual membership fee may be paid annually or quarterly for your convenience. Fees are reduced by 10% for up to 3 additional family members over age 18. Membership fees are designed to be eligible for HSA, FSA and HRA funds; please check with your tax advisor.
Click the "MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION" button below for secure online enrollment. Or you may also complete enrollment by phone, in person, or by US Mail. Send us a request.
Call or message 970-446-5050 with any questions, or email support@DennisLiptonMD.com.
This new approach to medical care in the Vail Valley will allow me to provide the personalized, comprehensive care that I want for myself and my family, and my patients.
Dennis Lipton, MD